Who We are
This is a company of Mabel Corporation.
NepalGramodhyog.store is an emerging chain marts and E-commerce business of FMCG, Baby products, Electronics & Home Appliances products, Garments & Fashion etc who not only sell the goods but also deliver the services. We provide the wide range of products, brands, product information about quality and uses. We stand for offering wide range of quality products on reasonable price with your choice. We do care on the service and choice of Consumers.
Mission and Objective
We further focus on Building the Nation. We endeavour to seek a positive impact on our customers, employees, entrepreneurs, the economy, and communities. We consist of sharp, passionate builders with different backgrounds and goals, who share a common desire to accomplishment of organizational objectives & with the process of continuous learning and inventing on behalf of our stakeholders.
We believe in Empowering the Entrepreneurship. Our Mission is to add value on Empowering Entrepreneurship and reach of Nepalese Agricultural sectors to consumers via development of chain mart business and online supplies enlarging the scope of quality domestic products manufactured by local entrepreneurs.